Choose Ctfile

Let you have it now |
There are also many functions such as direct connection sharing, webdav, online audio and video playback, sharing and earning commissions, etc. to package all your cloud disk needs.

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Why do tens of millions of users choose to use Ctfile?

Trustworthy because professional, stable, reliable

Since 2009, we have been focusing on providing professional, stable and reliable cloud storage services for Chinese users around the world, and have been affirmed by tens of millions of users.

Exclusive large storage space

Free users can enjoy 5TB of renewal space, and after upgrading to VIP members, they can get up to 70TB of storage space.

Enjoy powerful network disk functions

Set file direct connection, webdav, Incetive Center, large space, file dump, package file, online decompression encrypted compressed package and other powerful functions.

Enjoy premium customer service

The integrated system of manual customer service and online customer service, 7×24 hours to solve your needs and provide personalized services.

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The operation is simple and convenient, easy to understand, and supports mainstream platforms. Can be performed on multiple platforms such as web, PC/Mac, and mobile clients Manage.

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You can easily use the Ctfile client on Windows computers, Macbooks, iPhones, iPads, Android phones/tablets, and other devices.

Member Service

Only spend 3 cents a day
Enjoy the ultimate member experience

We provide a variety of membership products to meet the needs of users with different needs. We reduce the price while maintaining high-quality services, just to win the applause of users.


Only $ 3.99 /month
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  • 5TB public cloud space
  • Accelerated download
  • Download files simultaneously
  • webdav batch download
Buy now

Super Member

Only $ 5.99 /month
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  • Super accelerated download
  • 100GB/month traffic
  • 10TB public cloud space
  • 2TB private cloud space
  • 100 cloud processing per day
Buy now

* Membership Terms of Service Subject to change.